Göteborg Brunnsparken 411 10 Göteborg

Göteborg Brunnsparken

92 Recensioner

Göteborg Brunnsparken 411 10 Göteborg

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411 10 Göteborg



  • Rullstolsanpassad ingång
  • Rullstolsanpassad toalett
  • Toalett

Rekommenderade recensioner

Nils O.L. (nodelynk)
Göteborg Brunnsparken
Many connections, but quite chaotic and not much room.There are no good food places around. Quite good cafés though.
Naturelover Bhansali
Göteborg Brunnsparken
You shall never be bored here,very happening place,shopping ,restaurant or boating in canal all fun.only thing which should favour you is weather,if it's good ,enjoy the place as per your mood.
Barbro Skogstjärna
Göteborg Brunnsparken
Brunnsparken har blivit så fin med alla blommor.
kostas Mavridis
Göteborg Brunnsparken
En av Göteborgs mest kända mötesplats. En liten holme i Stora Hamnkanalen med namnet Järnvågsplatsen (1753) efter den järnvåg som funnits där sedan 1624. Nästan alla linjer av spårvagnstrafiken i Göteborg passerar förbi varje dag. Förmodligen Sveriges näst mesta trafikerade plats efter T-centralen. Det går inte att missa det helt enkelt när man besöker stadens kärna!
Lina Valius
Göteborg Brunnsparken
Beautiful place with beautiful view.
Google Reviews
Göteborg Brunnsparken
Göteborgs värsta plats! FULLT av trafik i alla riktningar, folk precis överallt, smala passager, tiggare, ungdomsgäng, alkisar, turister, påtända mm. Vill du bli överkörd så är detta rätt ställe.
Stefan Janson
Göteborg Brunnsparken
Stort nav för kollektivtrafik, både spårvagn, buss och expressbussar går här. Alltid mycket folk i rörelse och många affärer runtom.
Swarup Sinha
Göteborg Brunnsparken
Beautiful and awesome. Very neat and clean. Nice old and new buildings. Summer is beginning. So huge local and foreign tourists are roaming around. The cafes are full. People , who are tired, taking rest on the boulevard. A common picture of European countries.
Hasan Ahmadi
Göteborg Brunnsparken
That was so beautiful place, you can chill and enjoying and there is too much shopping malls around it.
Henry Law
Göteborg Brunnsparken
The city council has spent a lot of money, to make the place worse than it was before. Too many trees have been removed and the sharply angled planting boxes are ugly and aggressive. The seating is uncomfortable, which is inexcusable as it was specially designed. There is better outdoor seating available straight from the manufacturers' catalogues. The designers also failed to fit in a row of galvanised electrical equipment boxes unobtrusively. The project reeks of incompetence and lack of effective control.

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411 10 Göteborg
Göteborg Brunnsparken