Elittvätten Gotlandsgatan 59, 116 38 Stockholm


29 Recensioner
  • lördagStängt
  • söndagStängt
  • måndag10–16
  • tisdag10–16
  • onsdag10–16
  • torsdag10–16
  • fredag10–16

Elittvätten Gotlandsgatan 59, 116 38 Stockholm

Om företaget

Hem | Elittvätten | Ditt lokala tvätteri | Vi finns lokalt på Södermalm i Stockholm, vi erbjuder kemtvätt, wetclean, tvättomat, hämtning och lämning. Med 30 år i branschen kan vi tvätta, välkommen.


Ring oss
Gotlandsgatan 59, 116 38 Stockholm


  • lördagStängt
  • söndagStängt
  • måndag10–16
  • tisdag10–16
  • onsdag10–16
  • torsdag10–16
  • fredag10–16


  • Rullstolsanpassad ingång

Rekommenderade recensioner

Kevin Flanagan
Squeezed us in on a busy day, in a cheerful manner. Spoke English very well and went out of her way to accommodate our wheelchair. Dryer got heavy load dry in about 20 minutes!
Alexis Newman
Showed up at 11 AM with a full load of laundry, put it in the machine, paid 100 SEK, and picked it up 2 hours later washed and dried! So easy and reasonably priced!
Evan Shper
Prices have almost doubled. Went in expecting to pay 100-125 for one load, but prices have gone up to 200 for a very small capacity load.Staff there wouldn't let me leave me laundry tote, making me carry it back to my hotel instead of being able to walk around while I wait.
Brian Scholer
Public laundromats aren't really a thing in Sweden. There's one that's well known in Stockholm but it's a ways north so I was thrilled to find this one here in Södermalm close to where I was staying.As of this writing the cost was 100 SEK flat for self wash/dry. Wash-and-fold is offered, but I don't know the cost.Soap and drying time are included (note the soap is already in the machine, so if you have allergies or are very particular, this may not work for you).Wash time with all the default settings was only 35 mins. Dry time for me was about 35 mins as well, but I used low heat. On high it should be less (cycle time is only 20 mins, the dryers are very large, so they dry more quickly).There are 4 normal (small) washers, and I think 4 more of increasing size. 3 dryers if I recall correctly.Caveats:- The proprietor doesn't really speak English, but she knew enough words that we could carry out this process easily :)- It seems to be mostly a dry cleaning and wash-and-fold type of place, and it's small, so there isn't exactly a lot of room to wait around (the short cycle times help), or even fold your clothes.Overall, as a traveler who packs light and likes to return home with a bag full clean clothes, I was very happy to have found this place!
David McKenney
Elittvätten really came through for us during our visit to Stockholm. The laundromat where we planned to do laundry was unexpectedly closed during their advertised business hours. Elittvätten was able to reserve two machines for us on Saturday with only an hour notice. Their price is 125K per 4kg which is about half what other places charge. The staff was was very helpful and friendly. We also got to see their very playful puppy which was a plus.
Paul S.
C'était vraiment difficile de trouver une laverie automatique à Stokholm. Mais enfin j'ai trouvé. Pour 10 euros (100Kr) l'employée s'occupe de programmer la machine et mets sa lessive , et s'occupe de gérer le séchage. 1h15 après, il ne me restait plus qu'à tout plier. Facile , pas cher et rapide!
Alberto Vergel
The worst service we could have had. We were treated horribly by the owner simply for not speaking Swedish, even though she and we both speak English. Unfriendly and conceited, she wasn't even able to say hello or goodbye to us, neither in English nor in Swedish, only 4 kilos"
Andrei Gorin
Idag drivs elittvätten av Mia Appelkvist, som tog över tvätten från sin mamma för närmare 20 år sedan. Tvätteriet har huserat i samma lokaler under nästan hela tiden kvarteret funnits i sin nuvarande form.elittvätten är inrymt i kvarteret Täppan, mitt i Sofo – ett av Södermalms mest anrika områden. Strax intill finns Bryggartäppan som numera är en populär lekplats för Söders barnfamiljer. Parken är inspirerad av Per Anders Fogelströms Stockholmsskildringar. Namnet härstammar ända från 1700-talet, då det första bryggeriet byggdes i kvarteret. Det övertogs 100 år senare av Anders Bjurholm, vars framgångsrika bryggarkarriär gett namn åt närliggande Bjurholmsplan.Under första delen av 1900-talet togs tomten där Täppan nu ligger över av företaget Grumme & Son, mest känt för tandkrämen Stomatol vars skylt fortfarande sprider sitt ljus över Slussen. 1956 köptes tomten av Karl Gunnar Örn och det nuvarande huset, med entré från Bjurholmsgatan och Gotlandsgatan började byggas 1958.Det vackra gula grannhuset från 1700-talet (mellan Bjurholmsgatan och Brännerigatan) har också en spännande historia.I samband med att Stockholm drabbades av smittkoppor och kolera inrättades 1831 ett provisoriskt epidemisjukhus i det f.d. bryggeriet. Från 1878 blev det allmänt sjukhus och fick då namnet Katarina sjukhus. Omgjort till mentalsjukhus 1902 och nedlagt 1935. På 1960-talet blev det konstnärsateljéer i huset.
Lisa Lee
After traveling in Sweden for about a week we really needed to do laundry. It was hard to find a do-it-yourself place near Gamla Stan. The woman there was very friendly. She said doing the laundry myself was the cheapest way. I filled two washers. She said she would put the clothes in the dryer for me; and we should come back in about an hour and twenty minutes. We returned and I folded the clothes, and she gave me a big shopping bag to put them in. My bill was 200SEK. I thought that was a little high, we now have clean clothes!

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Gotlandsgatan 59, 116 38 Stockholm