Camp Adventure – Kiruna Jukkasjärvi Poikkijärvivägen 55, 981 92 Kiruna

Camp Adventure – Kiruna Jukkasjärvi

81 Recensioner

Camp Adventure – Kiruna Jukkasjärvi Poikkijärvivägen 55, 981 92 Kiruna

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Poikkijärvivägen 55, 981 92 Kiruna



  • Rullstolsanpassad ingång

Rekommenderade recensioner

Eugen Gezin
Camp Adventure – Kiruna Jukkasjärvi
Perfekt plats att stanna några dagar som utgångspunkt för att utforska Lappland. Värden Sol är super trevlig och hjälpsam.
Per Lindholm
Camp Adventure – Kiruna Jukkasjärvi
Kom överens över telefon med ägarna om att vi skulle träffas en viss tid. Kommer dit på utsatt tid men ingen där. Hann inte med någon skotertur på grund av detta.Tillslut kommer en kompis till ägaren dit men han har ingen aning om vart vi ska bo. Han ringer ägaren och det visar sig att kompisen bor i stugan vi har hyrt. Han plockar ut sina grejer och ger oss tillgång till stugan, ostädad.Ingen toalett inne i stugan utan den låg i huset bredvid, inne i en bastu vilket inte framgick på hemsidan/Booking. Stugan skulle ha två separata sovrum enligt Booking, men det var bara ett stort rum. Ägaren var dock trevlig och skyllde felaktig information på Booking.
Asseel Alaqai
Camp Adventure – Kiruna Jukkasjärvi
Bra plats
awwda Mohamad
Camp Adventure – Kiruna Jukkasjärvi
The rooms are quiet and clean, the services are very fast, the hotel is convenient in terms of movement, even the staff were very nice
Zed Crawford
Camp Adventure – Kiruna Jukkasjärvi
Amazing stay, lovely hosts looked after our every needs and more. Super friendly and accommodating!Cabins were warm, comfortable and well prepared for our arrival.Activities were easily organized and as enjoyable as ever. Dog sledding was a relaxing and picturesque cruise.I highly recommend the snowmobiles, a drive through the lakes mountains and forests ending with a beautiful vista overlooking over the whole township and landscape of Kiruna; unfathomably fun and thrilling!Most memorable Christmas me and my friends have had to date. Would recommend to all!
Grazio Bini
Camp Adventure – Kiruna Jukkasjärvi
Non spaziose e calde. Ci sono stato in gruppo eravamo 14 a dormirci dentro
Mari Nilsson Bailey
Camp Adventure – Kiruna Jukkasjärvi
Great experience with excellent hosts. We learned much about the city of Kiruna during our adventure. The dogs were adorable and the coffee/lingonberry cake that we enjoyed midway thorugh our experience was awesome. Very satisfied with the ride. Recommend 100%!!
Rob Davis
Camp Adventure – Kiruna Jukkasjärvi
I stayed for two nights at Camp Adventure in March of 2018 and I would strongly advise others to consider alternative arrangements before going there. Firstly I did not do any of their activities I merely stayed there so this review is based on their accommodation not their activities. That being said I certainly wouldn't trust their activities.Firstly Camp Adventure was much more expensive than other accommodation in Kiruna which is much nicer. When we arrived there was no sign or really any way to tell we were at the right place. We went in and spoke to the guy in the office (which reeked of weed and featured a large bong on the window sill). He was rude and incompetent. He didn't even seem to really have a record of us staying or any idea what room we might be in. He told us we 'need to upgrade' our room because it wasn't really suitable for three people despite having booked for three people when we originally made the booking. We declined to upgrade and accepted the room we were given. He asked what activities we'd booked and when we told him that we'd booked with a different company he began telling us how bad the 'other companies' were and how we needed to book with them too. He also told us that no doors had locks on them because everyone was trust worthy and he asked us not to lock out car and leave the keys inside it. This meant we had to keep all out valuables on us at all times. We didn't leave the car unlocked or the keys in it either for obvious reasons.The first thing that greeted me when I walked into the room was the horrible smell of the two rotten bananas in the bowl on the table.The 'beds' were paper thin mattresses all lined up in a sort of attic type thing up near the roof. The only way up there was a very sketchy looking ladder without any kid of rails which my elderly mother had a rather difficult time navigating. The linen was all in a big bag which we had to sort out our selves and there was a printed sheet of countless rules, most of which carried with them a monetary fine for their infringement. We had to clean the entire place before we left, strip the beds down, not change the temperature (which was incredibly hot) and make sure not to use out shoes inside.This kind of treatment when you're paying a huge amount to stay in a tiny, dirty box staffed by unprofessional and rude people is utterly not worth it, especially when there are much nicer accommodation that was about £70/night cheaper and right in the heart of Kiruna.
Patrik Fahlgren
Camp Adventure – Kiruna Jukkasjärvi
Skapligt boende!!
Anders Erström
Camp Adventure – Kiruna Jukkasjärvi
Gratis Wi-Fi och parkering hit ska man åka om man gillar fiske och pimpla och vi har ju ishotellet som är värt att prova

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Poikkijärvivägen 55, 981 92 Kiruna
Camp Adventure – Kiruna Jukkasjärvi