Stadsvallen Högevall, 222 24 Lund


19 Recensioner
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Stadsvallen Högevall, 222 24 Lund

Om företaget

Den medeltida stadsvallen runt Lund | Besöksguide med promenad längs den medeltida stadsvallen.



  • lördagÖppet dygnet runt
  • söndagÖppet dygnet runt
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Rekommenderade recensioner

John Breed
Nice park to take the kids, with good playground and café.
Jonny och Ann-Christine Andersson
This is an interesting, almost 900 years old historic attraction. The 3700 meters long, 10-12 meters wide and 2.5 meters high city wall was built around the whole of Lund in about 1130, and this part in the City park is what is left of it today. On the outside of the wall, there was a moat that was 8 to 10 meters wide and 2.5 meters deep, which was not water-filled, but more like a small stream. The wall was a bit wider and higher in the northern part of the city compared to the southern part and there was four gateways in the wall, in the north, south, east and west, with drawbridges across the moat.In the beginning of the 14th century, the city wall was in bad condition, but with increased autonomy for the city, the city resident liked to restore the city wall again and it was restored it in the beginning of 1330s. The part through the current City park became moved a bit to the south and across what before was the cemetery for the medieval church Saint Måns. The city wall was also widened in the west part so that it surrounded Saint Peter's and Saint Mary's monastery that was located close to the inside of the wall. The old drawbridges was replaced with bridges built of stone and masonry ports with towers.There have also been some palisade on top of the wall but it is not known what it looked like. The purpose with the wall seems however not have been for defence purpose, but about control, taxes and toll, on goods and forces that was transported into and out from the city. The city wall did also mark a clear border to the city and its laws, rights, obligations and economy.In the end of the Middle Ages the city wall began to gradually decay and since the eighteenth century the moat is fully filled. The traces from the city wall can still be seen at a city map since the streets Biskopsgatan, Östra Vallgatan och Södra Esplanaden still follows what was the eastern part of city wall before.
Johan Linse
Härhar man sprungit ofta :-)
Dan Williams
Nice place for a walk, or a picnic and beer with friends
Måns Alklint
Fin stadspark som gör Lund lite grönare!
Elisabeth Hemberg Mancia
Vacker oas mitt i stan. Välskött, perfekt både för picknicken, joggingrunda, en omgång boule eller bara för att strosa runt i den underbara blomsteroasen.
Malte Lewan
Tänk att den finns kvar. En fin och äkta historisk test av det medeltida Lund.

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Högevall, 222 24 Lund