Dentalakademin Stockholm Tandläkare Erik Lennartsson 114 25 Stockholm

Dentalakademin Stockholm Tandläkare Erik Lennartsson

18 Recensioner

Dentalakademin Stockholm Tandläkare Erik Lennartsson 114 25 Stockholm

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Rekommenderade recensioner

Jan Philipson
Dentalakademin Stockholm Tandläkare Erik Lennartsson
Mycket professionell tandläkar klinik för implantat kirurgi.
Echo Hsu
Dentalakademin Stockholm Tandläkare Erik Lennartsson
Erik is the best dentist. He was knowledgeable ,experienced and skilled. I am very satisfied. People who work there are super caring and warm-hearted.
Anders Lundin
Dentalakademin Stockholm Tandläkare Erik Lennartsson
Mycket, mycket, mycket och super nöjd med Dentalakademin och det hjälp jag fick hos de med mina implantat. Det fanns ingenting, absolut ingenting att anmärka på, tvärtom det finns mycket i deras verksamhet som är värt beröm och goda vitsord, Dentalakademin är Tipp topp. Personal/tandläkare/kirurger/tandhygienister mm som håller en otrolig hög kompetens och servicenivå, tack ska ni ha. Och sist men inte minst mycket eloge, beröm och min personliga uppskattning till den otroligt begåvade, skicklige, vänlige och charmige MR. Doktor Erik Lennartsson. Äras den som äras bör.
Nara Nadzafova
Dentalakademin Stockholm Tandläkare Erik Lennartsson
Högprofessionella specialister.
David Granberg
Dentalakademin Stockholm Tandläkare Erik Lennartsson
Kompetent, kunnig och fantastiskt trevliga.
Einar Aadde
Dentalakademin Stockholm Tandläkare Erik Lennartsson
Riktigt trevliga och talar om allt i detalj vad som kommer ske så man blir lugn
Niels Rask
Dentalakademin Stockholm Tandläkare Erik Lennartsson
En av Stockholms absolut bästa och mest respekterade tandläkare
Francesco Romano
Dentalakademin Stockholm Tandläkare Erik Lennartsson
My complaint is in relation to three aspects. For one, this clinic books you for appointments without calling you first and charges you a no-show fee if you do not show up.My primary dentist at Bergashamra Dental referred me to this clinic by calling them. On a Friday last February, I received a text message saying that I had an appointment the following Monday at a time that was not viable for me because I had to work. I never gave anyone consent to book appointments that way and find it very rude to try to charge me a no-show fee and put this responsibility on me suddenly. Besides, the clinic is closed over the weekend which means I cannot cancel the visit with adequate notice. The correct thing would be to call me to schedule an appointment. This clinic should change this practice.The second complaint is with regards to Dr Lennartsson trying to unfairly force patients to pay for new services before he has satisfied paid ones. In this instance, I paid for 3D x-rays, then had a follow up 20-min appointment 2-3 weeks later. After the appointment, I asked this dentist for copies of the previously taken 3D x-rays photos as files for me to keep. The dentist then tried to give me a screenshot instead of the photos which I find insulting since I cannot use a screenshot with other dentists and it does not correspond to what I requested. When I asked the dentist again for copies, he expected me to pay for the 20-min visit before he would give me the photos. I feel this is unfair since I had paid for the x-rays already. I would like to ask someone to warn Dr Lennartsson that this is misconduct and that patients should not be treated this way.The last complaint I would like to voice is perhaps the most serious and concerns this clinic taking photos of my face. When the x-rays were taken, the dentist used a camera to take photos of my mouth and my face which made me feel very uncomfortable. I asked her what the purpose of taking the photos was, to which she replied it was only for documentary purposes (i.e. not research, not pedagogy). She then asked me to sign a consent form to keep the photos which I agreed to. Although I appreciate that I consented to use of my photos (albeit signing a document in Swedish which I cannot understand!) this clinic should be more delicate in this practice. They should nicely ask patients before they start taking face pictures, not put pressure on them, and clearly explain what they are destined for. I really felt like this was forced upon me. At this point, I would like this clinic to remove those pictures from their system because I feel quite uncomfortable. Is it my right to request this?

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114 25 Stockholm
Dentalakademin Stockholm Tandläkare Erik Lennartsson