Snowdog Arctic Adventures ALTTAVAARAVÄGEN 10, 981 92 Kiruna

Snowdog Arctic Adventures

119 Recensioner
  • lördagÖppet dygnet runt
  • söndagÖppet dygnet runt
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  • fredagÖppet dygnet runt

Snowdog Arctic Adventures ALTTAVAARAVÄGEN 10, 981 92 Kiruna

Om företaget

Snowdog - The Arctic Adventure Company (Kiruna, Sweden) | Summer and Winter tours in Lapland, Europe's last great wilderness in the north of Sweden, Book with us for dog sledding with some of our sixty-strong pack of amazing huskies, snowmobile tours across frozen lakes, northern light tours and helicopter adventures. Book your tours online today!


Ring oss
ALTTAVAARAVÄGEN 10, 981 92 Kiruna


  • lördagÖppet dygnet runt
  • söndagÖppet dygnet runt
  • måndagÖppet dygnet runt
  • tisdagÖppet dygnet runt
  • onsdagÖppet dygnet runt
  • torsdagÖppet dygnet runt
  • fredagÖppet dygnet runt


  • Rullstolsanpassad ingång
  • Hbtq+-vänlig
  • Trygg plats för transpersoner
  • Rullstolsanpassad parkering
  • Rullstolsanpassad toalett
  • Rullstolsanpassade sittplatser
  • Könsneutral toalett

Rekommenderade recensioner

Angela Gutierrez Ruiz
Snowdog Arctic Adventures
It has been a wonderful experience. This site was recommended to us by the tourist office.They picked us up from the office and took us to the venue.The guides are very friendly and the dogs look happy and well cared for, you can play with them, they are very good.They prepared us with even warmer clothes so that we could have a good journey and at the end a very hot coffee in a cabin.We recommend this site to everyone and will contact them again to plan more adventures!
Claudia Franzén
Snowdog Arctic Adventures
Trevlig personal med mysiga hundar. Vi besökte stället på sommaren och fick rundtur av stället och fick välja vilka hundar man ville kela med. I slutet av besöket bjöds det på fika.
Ernst de
Snowdog Arctic Adventures
Me and my girlfriend got to visit the kennel and meet (read: pet") all of the dogs
Snowdog Arctic Adventures
We had a fantastic time riding the dog sled at Craig's site with his great dogs and super friendly team! Full recomendation!
Snowdog Arctic Adventures
My highlight of my Kiruna trip! Everybody was super kind, the dogs the cutest and the ride such a joy! Craig picked us up and even dropped us off later again whereever we wanted. Really, super fantastic!!
oskar karlsson
Snowdog Arctic Adventures
Helt fantastisk upplevelse på alla sätt! Ägaren var verkligen mån om oss och vår upplevelse och hundarna var fenomenala!
Sanja Music
Snowdog Arctic Adventures
Dog Sledding with Craig and his team at Snowdog was a fantastic experience. I did two tours, one with the dogs and another on Snowmobile. What an experience!The dogs are super friendly and extremely strong (like wow, even the smaller/more slender dogs - helping setting them up for the sleds you got to feel their strength.After the tour, we had a lovely cup of coffee and nice cake in the fire hut over a warming wood fire.The second tour was a private Snowmobile tour (only up to 4 people) - we drove past the Ice hotel up the frozen river (super james bond vibe!!) and into the snowy forest, away from civilisation and into complete wilderness! The snowmobiles they use are top quality and the tour was as long as advertised (in fact i think even a bit longer). I would highly recommend you to look up snowdog if you're around in Kiruna. Craig, his dogs and his team really look after you!
Clarisse Laurens-Berge
Snowdog Arctic Adventures
Amazing experience ! The staff is really nice and make sure we are having a good time. They are passionate and love their dogs. Dogs are adorable and happy. Equipment is included.Experience highly recommended.
Linn Andersson
Snowdog Arctic Adventures
Åkte på norrskenstur, inget norrsken men härligt ändå i mörkret och stjärnorna. Stannade för fika på vägen, behövdes i kylan.

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ALTTAVAARAVÄGEN 10, 981 92 Kiruna
Snowdog Arctic Adventures