Bōru Bowl Bar Kärleksgatan 1, 211 45 Malmö

Bōru Bowl Bar

513 Recensioner
  • lördag11–21
  • söndag11–20
  • måndag11–21
  • tisdag11–21
  • onsdag11–21
  • torsdag11–21
  • fredag11–21

Bōru Bowl Bar Kärleksgatan 1, 211 45 Malmö

Om företaget

Bōru Bowl Bar – From Soul To Bowl |


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Kärleksgatan 1, 211 45 Malmö


  • lördag11–21
  • söndag11–20
  • måndag11–21
  • tisdag11–21
  • onsdag11–21
  • torsdag11–21
  • fredag11–21


  • Rullstolsanpassad ingång
  • Betalkort
  • Kreditkort
  • NFC-betalningar med mobiler
  • Rullstolsanpassad parkering
  • Toalett
  • Avhämtning
  • Servering
  • Alkohol
  • Kaffe
  • Vin
  • Öl
  • Lunch
  • Middag
  • Fri klädsel
  • Mysigt
  • Tar emot bokningar
  • Sittplatser
  • Uteservering

Rekommenderade recensioner

David Schück
Bōru Bowl Bar
Tyvärr stämmer de andra recensionerna om att Bōru Bowl Bar blivit sämre. Mindre portioner, dyrare och långsam betjäning. Det var förut ett nöje att äta här, men inte längre.Vi fick vänta 40 minuter på maten, trots att det bara var två sällskap före oss. Istället hade vi sälskap av måsar på bordet brevid, för personalen plockar inte undan efter andra gäster. När maten väl kom var portionerna minimala. Sällskapet efter oss fick omboka för att riset visst hade tagit slut, så vi fick nog det sista, men det var inte nog för våra 4 rätter heller. Inte helt vad man förväntar sig från ett pokèbowl-ställe klockan 19 på kvällen...Själva maten var god, det lilla som var. Däremot inte lika bra som tidigare, för rätternas innehåll har ändrats. Förut innehöll tofurätterna kimchi men nu har den bytts ut mot ett par små bitar bränd ananas.Vi gav stället en chans för gamla minnens skull. Det gör vi inte om.
mira d
Bōru Bowl Bar
i was really excited to try boru bowl bar due to its high reviews and promising pictures, but i have to say that i was very underwhelmed by the food (aburi salmon bowl 159sek). i come from the bay area and have standards for poke bowls, but regardless the flavors fell short.there is limited indoor and outdoor seating. you order on a kiosk/screen and then receive your food when it is ready. service was friendly.// abury salmon bowl (159sek): seared 24h marinated salmon, soy marinated red cabbage, avocado, cucumber, pickled fennel, namasu, cilantro, scallions, roasted garlic, furikake & kimchimayo //i was excited to try the seared salmon--you can see the staff sear the poke with torch. the ingredients are fresh and seem good quality. however, i thought the bowl heavily lacked flavor. i couldn't really taste much marinade in the salmon or any of the vegetables. i think the problem is that there is no sauce, most poke bowls use some type of soy or umami sauce to coat the ingredients. the mayo that was given was pretty much plain american mayo, so it felt like it did not match the flavors of the bowl. also, the fish portion was quite small.i feel like this bowl could have been way better if there was more marinade or a sauce to bring the vegetables together, but it tasted quite bland to me. maybe the crispy pork is better since it seems to have more flavors to it, so i would try it if i came again, but i am not sure i would spend 159sek again if i had the same experience.
Bōru Bowl Bar
Kändes ofräscht. Maten va okej med skulle inte rekommendera, finns tusen gånger bättre poke bowls i Malmö
Tony Jin
Bōru Bowl Bar
The best poke bowls in Malmö, hands down.I definitely recommend this place to people who are into that. Have had lunch here multiple times, as well as quick dinners, and they have upheld the consistency of quality of the food each time.So, great place overall as well as reliable restaurant for a quicker meal. Strong recommend.
Freja W
Bōru Bowl Bar
Good food and a good portion size, I did not finish all of it. The only thing I disliked is that you have to order on a screen (they only had one) and it limits your options for picking things out. I also found the system to be a little confusing as the instructions weren't super clear to me. Maybe because my knowledge of Swedish is limited. The only time you interact with staff is when they serve your food.
Jose Alejandro Ramirez Ciro
Bōru Bowl Bar
In the beginning I though it was expensive but at the end it was totally worth it. I ordered the pork poke bowl and I would say that the portion was generous and the pork was among the most crunchy I have tasted in my life. I am definitely going to eat there again when I visit Malmö
Jessica Lotorn
Bōru Bowl Bar
Ätit lunch här många gånger men detta blir min sista. Sedan ägarbytet har servicen och maten blivit sämre. Orimligt höga priser för så en sådan medioker bowl. Portionerna är alldeles för små och innehållet håller låg kvalitet. Peronalen är inte speciellt trevlig. Luktar matos i lokalen så kläder och hår blir förstört på bara några minuter.
Yuki Kanaya
Bōru Bowl Bar
I had high expectations for Bōru Bowl Bar, drawn in by its positive reviews and appealing pictures. Unfortunately, the experience left me somewhat dissatisfied. The restaurant offers limited outdoor seating, and the ordering process through a kiosk/screen seemed promising for efficiency, but surprisingly, the wait for our order was quite long, even though the ingredients are supposedly prepared upfront.The staff's presence behind the kiosk limited interaction, so it's hard to comment much on their service. As for the food, I ordered for the Aburi Salmon Bowl (159 kr), and it was undeniably delicious. However, I did feel that the portion of Aburi Salmon provided didn't quite match the price paid.Despite the delicious flavors, the overall experience could be improved with more efficient service and a more generous portion of the main ingredient.
Denis Strogonov
Bōru Bowl Bar
This has got to be the best poke bowl I've had in my life. Loved every bit of it!
Bōru Bowl Bar
Positivt +-Mycket goda bowls (Miso Tofu, Baked, Salmon, Crispy Pork)-Trevlig service-Vego alternativNegativt --25 min väntetid i nästan tom restaurang.-Vitlök i allt.-Väldigt mycket fett i grissidan vilket gör det saftigt men inte krispigt.-Måsarna äter rester i skålarna ute.-Lokalen behöver en uppfräschning.-Något små portioner/pris.

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Kärleksgatan 1, 211 45 Malmö
Bōru Bowl Bar