Turebergs Simklubb Stubbhagsvägen 2, 192 51 Sollentuna

Turebergs Simklubb

18 Recensioner

Turebergs Simklubb Stubbhagsvägen 2, 192 51 Sollentuna

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Stubbhagsvägen 2, 192 51 Sollentuna



  • Rullstolsanpassad ingång
  • Rullstolsanpassad parkering

Rekommenderade recensioner

Niklas Rajamäki
Turebergs Simklubb
Mycket trevlig stämning
Turebergs Simklubb
Bästa simklubben alla är trevliga o bra tränare! Väldigt bra simhall också!
mikael jonsson
Turebergs Simklubb
Det är rent och fint mycket trevligt personal
Ola Wall
Turebergs Simklubb
quite a rewarding experience for me.
Lillian Eve Tsavi
Turebergs Simklubb
Its the third course my daughter attends. First week of which we missed, since we were away . when I asked if she could re take the two missed classes(like they said we're allowed to do) , I was told that they can offer retake only in case of illness, which is something they never mention when u sign up, and if they do it must be in really small letters. Its a course that costs approx 1500 kr for 10 lessons. And I think its very disappointing that they didn't at least offer me one retake out of two.If I had said my daughter was sick then there wouldn't ve been any problem since they can't really check out if I'm telling the truth or not.Ridiculous situation for something that u pay for. I don't think I'm taking my kid back there , although the instructors are amazing and do a stellar job. However one star for your administration, and that's overstated. There should have been a zero star option.

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Stubbhagsvägen 2, 192 51 Sollentuna
Turebergs Simklubb