Montessoriskolan Floda Säteri Floda allé 2, 448 30 Floda

Montessoriskolan Floda Säteri

14 Recensioner

Montessoriskolan Floda Säteri Floda allé 2, 448 30 Floda

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Montessoriskolan – Floda Säteri |


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Floda allé 2, 448 30 Floda



  • Rullstolsanpassad ingång
  • Rullstolsanpassad parkering

Rekommenderade recensioner

Victor Salomonsson
Montessoriskolan Floda Säteri
En jättebra skola. Har gått där sedan jag var 3, ska gå ur 9:an nu. Jättetrevlig miljö och trevliga lärare
Charlie Gaudet
Montessoriskolan Floda Säteri
Bra skola fin park men lite slitna skåp
Truro Tumshe
Montessoriskolan Floda Säteri
interestingMe old chum worked there for a short while a while back. Said the normal staff we great, albeit with a small dose of a few gossip wives. These wives did the et tu ya bas! Great atmosphere amongst the kids.The Swedish school system is pretty much a paper tiger when it comes to certain occurrences.Me old chum was properly cheesed off because of certain occurrences which seemed to be well beyond the reaches of the hapless Swedish education system.S/he said it seemed like the education system in Sweden had gone way beyond the limit of putting the child/pupil first.TT
Ludvig Wanner
Montessoriskolan Floda Säteri
Jag gillar skolan lite mycket döda men annars är det bra

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Floda allé 2, 448 30 Floda
Montessoriskolan Floda Säteri