Mälarparksskolan Mälarparksvägen, 723 56 Västerås


8 Recensioner

Mälarparksskolan Mälarparksvägen, 723 56 Västerås

Om företaget

Mälarparksskolan - Västerås stad |


  • Rullstolsanpassad ingång
  • Rullstolsanpassad parkering

Rekommenderade recensioner

Charline Adiju
Nice school that goes from förskoleklass to grade six. I recently graduated from this school a few weeks ago, and I’ll share my experience in it.First of all, the food is p u r e garbage. I absolutely hated it. They served spaghetti bolognese with literal lentils/small beans whatever they are called in english. The kitchen staff was nice, though.The teachers are nice, for the most part. The wood handicraft teacher locked out a bunch of students because they misbehaved. Yes, the students are all over the place as well. My class was either dead silent or the equivalent to a circus and/or a zoo.The lessons were good, I got the help I needed and ended the spring term with pretty good grades.Beautiful playground, they had this activity park behind the school with an obstacle course. Nice hang out as well.I wouldn’t say the kids were rude, instead they were weird. There wasn’t a lot of bullying, but a lot of rumors.Overall, it’s a good school. But there isn’t enough discipline. Something you would expect in a Swedish school, really. Has nice summer traditions where they go out to Björnön and Ängsö.Academically speaking, this is a good school to enroll your child in. Socially speaking, just no.
So good place it is very clean in the school and there is a playground where you can play. The furniture is clean it is morden and passes with the school so it's a very nice and big place.

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Mälarparksvägen, 723 56 Västerås