Waxholmsbolaget Södra Blasieholmshamnen 9, 114 48 Stockholm


58 Recensioner

Waxholmsbolaget Södra Blasieholmshamnen 9, 114 48 Stockholm

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Waxholmsbolaget |


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Södra Blasieholmshamnen 9, 114 48 Stockholm



  • Rullstolsanpassad ingång

Rekommenderade recensioner

Betta Rautio
Taking the ferry to Vaxhom. The location was easy to find. At the beginning of the docks look for a tent with Waxholmsbolaget signage on the top. The representatives will direct you to the port number based on your destination. Very friendly. The crew will insure you are on the correct boat. You pay with Credit or Debit cards only once you board the ship. Our vessel the Nando was clean but old…kind of a retro vibe. And we got our pensioner discounts! Special pricing for children as well. Easy accessibility.
Mats Ormhed
SWE: Trevligt att ta båten ut i skärgården och besöka en ö.ENG: Nice to take the boat to the archipelago and visit an island.
Annika D.
I can totally understand this ferry is meant to transport residence from one place to another and I’m very sure this is working great. BUT in 2023 and especially in Sweden I’m very sure there should be some kind of information in English, too. Especially for tourists aiming to not be part of the tourist boats, it would be lovely to have at least SOME kind of English information: How do I pay for the trip? Where does the boat stop? Why does it stop at certain Islands and if I ask to get a drop off on another one (the pdf route says, this ferry line is meant to stop at Karlsudd or even Nacka strand for example) they say it is not possible? I’m sure the staff has to deal with uninformed tourists everyday, but there’s two professional ways to deal with it: either provide information in English or have your stuff trained to answer questions - not in a rude way and not lying for their convenience, but in a professional and nice way.Thank you. And for every tourist purely looking for a nice boat trip: please enjoy! :-)
Enjoyed the boat between Stockholm and Vaxholm. Took aprox 1 hour 15. Boats depart promptly, so ensure you arrive on time.The English section of the website is unclear, with no current timetable. I recommend downloading the app available from the playstore/ app store and entering date, destination and from, this gives you accurate information including times, platforms and delays due to cargo.Boat type varies.TICKETS are not pre-bookable and are purchesed on the boat at any point before you disembark.Card payments for tickets only (Amex not accepted).Food and drink was available onboard, including wine and beer, cakes and ice-cream.Luggage upto 30kg is allowed on board, but you must be able to carry it yourself.
Nancy Moïse Haws
We took the ferry from Trinntorp Tyresö to Näsbuden Utö, and really enjoyed the trip. The ride was smooth, on time; staff was friendly, and everything at Cafe Saxaren was delicious. We highly recommend Waxholmsbolaget for your island hoping adventures.
Jonas Thörnqvist
Mycket bra!
Cornelis Hintze
Mysigt alternativ till kommunala medel, härligt sätt att färdas, via vattnet. Dyrt men nice. Vin och öl finns på båten.Betala på båten med busskort eller i kassan.Ter ej American express!
Jose Antonio Ballesteros Figueroa
Not very eco friendly since the boats are emoting a super black smoke all the time but they depart on time and take you wherever you aim to.
Tomáš Přeučil
They tried to scam us by telling us that we can't use the same ticket we used for travel between Stockholm and Vaxholm to go to Kastellet. Even though the website clearly states that it is possible. We were only given our ticket back after arguing with the ship's personell.
It’s always nice to take a boat to the archipelago and have a fika on the way!

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Södra Blasieholmshamnen 9, 114 48 Stockholm