Gamla Stan Stadsholmen, 111 29 Stockholm

Gamla Stan

424 Recensioner
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Gamla Stan Stadsholmen, 111 29 Stockholm

Om företaget

Gamla stan - Visit Stockholm | Gamla Stan, the Old Town, is one of the largest and best preserved medieval city centers in Europe, and one of the foremost attractions in Stockholm. This is where Stockholm was founded in 1252.All of Gamla Stan and the adjacent island of Riddarholmen are like a living pedestrian-friendly museum full of sights, attractions, restaurants, cafés, bars, and places to shop. Gamla Stan is also popular with aficionados of handicrafts, curiosities, and souvenirs. The narrow winding cobblestone streets, with their buildings in so many different shades of gold, give Gamla Stan its unique character. Even now cellar vaults and frescoes from the Middle Ages can be found behind the visible facades, and on snowy winter days, the district feels like something from a storybook. There are several beautiful churches and museums in Gamla Stan, including Sweden’s national cathedral Stockholm Cathedral and the Nobel Prize Museum. The largest of the attractions in the district is the Royal Palace, one of the largest palaces in the world with over 600 rooms. In addition to the reception rooms, there are several interesting museums in the Palace, including the Royal Armory, with royal costumes and armor. Don't miss the parade of soldiers and the daily changing of the guard. Västerlånggatan and Österlånggatan are the district’s main streets. The city wall that once surrounded the city ran inside these streets along what is now Prästgatan. In the middle of Gamla Stan is Stortorget, the oldest square in Stockholm. Stortorget is the central point from which runs Köpmangatan, the oldest street in Stockholm, which was mentioned as early as the fourteenth century. Mårten Trotzigs gränd (Mårten Trotzigs alley) is hard to find. It’s the narrowest alley in Gamla Stan, only 90 centimeters wide at its narrowest point. Make sure not to miss Riddarholmen and the Riddarholmen Church. The church is a royal burial church and was built as a Franciscan monastery for the so-called Grey Brother monks in the thirteenth century.



  • lördagÖppet dygnet runt
  • söndagÖppet dygnet runt
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  • fredagÖppet dygnet runt


  • Rullstolsanpassad ingång
  • Passar för barn

Rekommenderade recensioner

Anton Engdahl
Gamla Stan
Bästa delen av stockholm! Dock mycket anpassat efter turism.
Ulrica S.
Gamla Stan
Ett måste när man är i Stockholm. Helt underbart.
Abdelsattar Alfares
Gamla Stan
Gamla stan, fram till 1980 officiellt Staden mellan broarna, är Stockholms historiska centrum och uppbyggt på Stadsholmen. Även Helgeandsholmen och Strömsborg tillhör stadsdelen Gamla stan. Ibland räknas också Riddarholmen till Gamla stan, men den utgör en egen stadsdel. Under flera hundra år utgjorde Gamla stan den egentliga staden. Stadsdelen bildades 1926 och hade år 2021 cirka 3 000 invånare. Gamla stan tillhör Södermalms stadsdelsområde och har en yta av 36 hektar.
Gunilla Klint
Gamla Stan
Det är så mysigt i Gamla stan! Små gränder och små butiker. Men tyvärr för många souvenir affärer! Finns trevliga caféer och matställen.
Laila Svärdsen
Gamla Stan
En Härlig dag Gamla stan...toppen
Gulruh Bektemirova
Gamla Stan
Mycket bra. Men butik personaler inte så trevligt. Till exempel theodores home butik personal inte trevligt hon är inte nöjd med sin jobb jag tror

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Stadsholmen, 111 29 Stockholm
Gamla Stan