Romme Alpin Värmestuga 781 98 Koppslahyttan

Romme Alpin Värmestuga

4 Recensioner

Romme Alpin Värmestuga 781 98 Koppslahyttan

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781 98 Koppslahyttan



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Romme Alpin Värmestuga
A much needed place out of the cold to put on ski shoes, store equipment, grab a snack, go to the toilet and most importantly keep the body warm before heading out to the slopes.The seating capacity of two level warm hut is now way too small for the crowds coming to Romme Alpin on holidays / weekends. It get too packed and most of the time, it's difficult to find a place to sit. The air circulation is poor, stuffy and it's one noisy, chaotic place. Still, it is better than not having a place like this.The snack counter is decent, Huski hot chocolate topped with whipped cream is good.Toilets have many stalls so there is almost no wait. There are some changing rooms and paid wardrobe services.

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781 98 Koppslahyttan
Romme Alpin Värmestuga